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Troy Junior Football, Inc.

Troy City Schools of Ohio

Troy Sports Center
  Frequently Asked Questions

We are always willing to answer any questions you may have, however we also get very busy around Tournament time. So before contacting us, please review some of these common questions and answers that arise each year:

What if a player just misses the age or weight cut off?
Regardless of what set the age or weight cut off, there will always be players that just miss - it happens every year. And if we change that cut off, there will just be other players that just miss the new cut off. Thus is in the best interest to protect the integrity of the Tournament and draw a hard line on these cut offs without exception.

Does the player’s current grade in school matter?
YES. In past years the Tournament has went back and forth on this issue, because with home schooling and various other programs; it was simply too hard to monitor. However the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) has specific rules and/or limitations about any Jr. High and/or Middle School players playing in any games other than those with their particular school program. Any such player that violates OHSAA Rules does so at the risk of not only their future eligibility, but also possible sanctions against their school team as well.  As a result, the Trojan Horse has determined to uphold and support the OHSAA and we strictly prohibit the participation of any player that has played or practiced with their Jr. High or Middle School football teams. 

How are brackets determined?
The Trojan Horse obviously has a bracket for each age group, however age groups that have over 16 teams participating may be broken down into additional brackets based on team size, however that is only possible when there is enough teams to do so ( the past, the12u bracket has broken down into two separate brackets: the Double A Bracket (made up of larger programs (such as D1 and D2 feeder programs)) and the Single A Bracket made up of smaller programs (D3 and smaller feeder programs). Once the bracket structure is determined, the actual team match ups are randomly drawn based several factors (availability to play or Friday or not and attempting to separate teams within the same league and/or that meet in the regular season (a courtesy we can only guarantee in the first round only)).

Could “All-Star” teams and “True Teams” play each other? And how is that fair?
YES, these two type of teams could play each other, however their program size and pool of players is still taken into consideration. Please keep in mind, even though the phrase “all-star” seems to have it’s advantages, it is the Tournament’s experience that “True Teams” (teams that have played together for years) actually have done better in the Tournament. Keep in mind, that most “all-star” teams are coming from an intramural program and only have a couple weeks of practice to gel as a team prior to entering the Tournament.

How many game will we play?
Each team is guaranteed at least two games, however it could be as many at 3 to 5 over the course of the weekend (depending on the size of the bracket and placement there of). The bracket is created in such a way that every best effort is made to keep Teams from playing back to back games and/or more than two in a day, HOWEVER there are sometimes exceptions that occur from time to time and typically happen in the Losers Bracket (only determined by luck of the draw and actual game results).

Is this a true Double Elimination Tournament where the Winner of both the Winner’s Bracket and Loser’s Bracket meet?
NO. Due to the intense nature of the sport and playing so many games in just one weekend, the winner of the winner’s bracket and the loser's bracket never play for the Championship. Rather, finishing places are determined only by placement in the Winner’ Bracket and the Winner of the Loser's Bracket actually receives it’s own trophy called “The Iron Horse” (often being a team that had to play the most games in one weekend to get there). With the exception of any smaller age groups (6 teams or less), in which a Round Robin format will be followed.

If there is any other teams from our same League (or City), do we have to play them?
In a Double Elimination Tournament, it is difficult to say who will match up further down the brackets; however we do try and make sure that no two teams from the same League (or City) will at least not face each other in the first round.

What size football do you use?
Since there are so many brands and size footballs out there, we request that each team provide their own game balls (to be switched out every change of possession). All we ask is that they be some type of regulation youth football. Game balls are NOT provided by the Tournament.

Can Coaches be on the field?
NO. All plays must be called in on from the sidelines, just as in High School football play.

Is there a limit to the number of coaches we can have on our sidelines?
The Tournament does not have a set rule on this number, however it should be within reason (i.e. There really is not need for more than 8 to 10 coaches maximum on any sideline). All we ask is that they appear to be dressed as actual Coaches (not just some fans or family) and limit just one Coach to communicate and/or talk with the Game Officials.

Do all the fields have Goal Posts and Score Boards?
NO. Most of our fields do have both Goal Posts and Score Boards, however, there are a few fields we utilize early in the Tournament that do not. Those few fields will become NO KICK fields and the score and time will kept with the officials on the field. Once again, this is only a few fields and they are only used early in the Tournament. It is merely luck of the draw on what particular fields your team will play.

How close together are the game fields?
All the Tournament fields are within a few miles of each other and some actually walking distance of each other. Travel time between any of the fields is minimal and a Field Map is always available via our Forms Page as well.

Is there a cost for admission to games?
It depends on the field. There is a nominal fee for any of our Stadium Fields (noted on the Bracket and Field Map by a Dollar Sign) to help offset the cost of the Stadium use (kids under 13 are FREE and $3 per game or $6 for the entire weekend for adults (no charge for players or coaches)). Once again, which fields your team ends up playing on, are strictly luck of the draw.

Should our fans bring their own seats?
YES, there are a few fields in which bleachers are limited and folding chairs are welcome (behind the indicated “parent line” at such fields). However, at any of the Stadium fields, bringing chairs will not be necessary (unless you want to bring stadium seats of course).

When and where are weight ins?
There is only one weight in Tournament weekend and that is just prior to kick off of your first game. There is really not a set location or time, however a Tournament Official will be on the look out for the gathering of a new team and will approach your team with details at such time. All weight ins will only happen ONCE and will be done with a Tournament Official and opposing coach present. We DO NOT need (or want) to weight your entire team - just those players you think may be playing in the backfield on offense. Your Team Book will also be reviewed at such time as well.

What happens with the Team Books?
The Team Books are reviewed at weight in and returned to the Team at such time. We simply ask that the Team have their Team Book with them at all times on the sidelines of each and every Tournament game (just in case there is a question after the fact).

We have a question about a particular rule?
Any/all Rules are clearly indicated on our Tournament Rules & Info Sheet. If you do not see a particular Rule addressed there, that means it is as dictated by default to the Rules set forth by the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA). We utilize High School referees for all our Tournament games and they are very familiar with these rules.

Is there any Instant Replay or Games subject for review?
NO, absolutely not. We appreciate that we live in a digital age where many of the games are being filmed from the sidelines, however THERE IS NO INSTANT REPLAY. The call on the field stands (right, wrong or indifferent) and we ask that every team, sideline, coaches, players, family and fans support any ruling on the field. The only possible exception to this fact may be the questioning of the eligibility of some team or player, but please keep in mind; that is strictly up to investigation and discretion of a Tournament Official (at least one is present at each and every game).

Are Cheerleaders welcome?
YES. Please just inquire at each individual field location as to where their specified area is permitted on the sideline.

How is it determined who is Home or Guests at each game?
Randomly by position on the Bracket. The Home Team will always be the one shown on the bottom of the match-up (Visitors on the top). Home team will always have their choice of sidelines.

Do we need to provide any Volunteers or Chain Gang?
We do ask Visitor Teams (shown on the top of the bracket match ups) to provide three volunteers for that game to work as a Chain Gang for that particular game. They are the best seats in the house and it would expedite things if you have three individuals chosen prior to kick off.

Upon review of the above information, if you still have some questions concerning the Tournament, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
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